Beba Baby Formular Milk For Sale Online
Nestlé BEBA 1 Baby Formula Initial Milk, the starting milk is tailored to your baby’s special nutritional needs from birth.
– Contains vegetable oils without palm oil
– Patented product
– As sole food when not breastfeeding or suitable for feeding
– From birth, if you want to give your baby an initial food
– Contains DHA (required by law for infant formula)
– Meets latest scientific recommendations from nutrition experts
BEBA 1 Baby Formula Initial Milk – as a foundation for the healthy development of your baby. The baby food in powder form provides your child with long-chain, polyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3 (LCP), which it cannot yet produce sufficiently in infancy.
• Age: From birth
• Content: 4800 g (6 x 800 g)
• Gluten free
• Contains lactose
• Filling in line with age
• Tailored to the baby’s special nutritional needs
• Usability: a can of milk powder of 800g with 60ml of water per serving gives about 93 vials
150 years of research and development: Nestlé BEBA has over 150 years of experience in the area of baby food
Breastfeeding is best for your baby. Because breast milk is ideally composed, provides good protection against infections and allergies and at the same time promotes the mother-child relationship. In addition, breastfeeding is the cheapest form of nutrition. The sooner and more often you put on your baby, the sooner the milk flow gets going. A balanced diet during pregnancy and after childbirth favors breastfeeding. The decision not to breastfeed is difficult to reverse, and feeding baby food can affect breastfeeding success. Talk to your pediatrician or midwife if you want to use baby food. Improper preparation of baby food, the use of food that is not suitable for baby food or an inadequate diet can lead to health problems.
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